Cypress most common commands
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Cypress most common commands

Cypress is a fast, easy and reliable testing tool for anything that runs in a browser. It’s becoming more popular choice of a tool than any other. I have collected some of the most common commands I use on a daily bases.

Published by PJ

PJ Dec 13, 2022 2 min read

Cypress basic commands are listed below in no particular order −


Get single or multiple elements by the locator.

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.get('.list > li') // Yield the <li>'s in .list


Get the first elements of a particular locator.

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.get('nav a').first() // Yield first link in nav


It clicks an element in Document Object Model (DOM).

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.get('element').click()


It obtains an element having a specific text. The element can have more than the text and still match.

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.get('element').contains('Tutor')


It is used to create an assertion and is an alias of .should ().

The usage is as follows −

1 2 cy.get('element').should('be.visible').and('be.enabled') cy.contains('Subject').and('be.checked')


It launches an URL.

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.visit('')


It provides an alias for later usage.

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.get('element').find('li').first().as('parent')


It removes the value from textarea or input.

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.get('element'). type('abc').clear()

It removes a particular browser cookie.

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.clearCookie('cookie_name')


It removes the browser cookies from an existing domain and subdomain.

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.clearCookies()


It iterates through an array having the property length.

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.get('li').each(() => {...})


It obtains the descendant elements of a particular locator.

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.get('tr').find('td')


It is used to create an assertion and is an alias of .and ().

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.get('element').should('be.visible').and('be.enabled')

It obtains a particular browser cookie by its name.

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.getCookie('cookie_name')


It obtains all the cookies

The usage is as follows −

1 cy.getCookies()

If you feel like there is a command that should be on this list, please leave a comment below!

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